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Tcheckiss Golden Aires Des Petits Princes De Urkys

aka " Tcheckiss "...... ........................ His Shows Results

10 months .............DOB March 20,2002

.........out of

......Ch Golden Aires Check Mate


..............Golden Aires Wahlena

...My first breeding 100% American lines

His photo album

11 days !....................................................4 weeks old


...5 weeks old..................................................7 weeks old


....7 weeks old


....3 months old...............................................5 months old

5 months old............................................7 months old


........10 months old

The pedigree of Tcheckiss


Ch Golden Aires Check Mate "Checkers"

Ch Great Elms Topbrass O Yolanda

Golden Aires Wee Heart-Trob

Great Elms Moody Red Rhudy

Yolanda's Traveling Tequila

Ch Chriscendo Wertern Express

Wee Hearts Honey Bee


Golden Aires Wahlena

Ch Golden Aires Wallace Jr

Golden Aires Cherry Jubilee

Ch Golden Aires Moon Chip

Golden Aires Rudena

Ch Great Elms Topbrass O Yolanda

Golden Aires Wee Heat-Trob
